At Lyttle Space, every child can draw.
Drawing is a way children can tell their stories without words. It allows them to imagine, to learn to think and form meaning through visuals. Each art journey at Lyttle Space is one where all things impossible come alive in imagination, and then on paper. Art is every child’s narrative — a way for them to express themselves.
Research shows that art not only fosters innovation and creativity, it encourages cooperation and helps improve their communication skills. Art-based learning can be a way to stimulate children to be willing to try new things, they can help children in motivation and self-esteem.
Here, there are no mistakes and perfection. Here, every child is encouraged to try, to believe, and to simply enjoy the process of creating. Art is not only a beautiful medium to cultivate self-expression and imagination, it is also a platform to build resilience and patience. Classes at Lyttle Space thus focus on cultivating the sense of curiosity and discovery rather than strive for the product.
About Lyttle Space
Lyttle Space’s art classes create opportunities for children to explore and think creatively. They will also learn different techniques and art styles, observe nature and still life in a fun and enjoyable way. Classes will bring children to experiment with various mediums from paint and crayons, to recycled materials and even ingredients.
One time trial classes are available for new students only.
Shop here to purchase discounted trial pass.
Schedule & Prices of the class packages available here
Directions to Lyttle Space can be found here
About Ly
Ly has more than 12 years of teaching experience. She is currently an Adjunct Lecturer in the School of Design at Temasek Polytechnic and conducts private classes for children aged 4-12. Prior to Lyttle Studio, she has taught at Rivervale Primary School and an art studio, as well as led AEP (Art Elective Programme) students from Nanyang Girls’ High in a mural project for Ritz Carlton Hotel.
In her classes, Ly celebrates the act of trying and hopes to build a growing interest in every art practice. Teaching has opened her eyes to the way art allows children to express themselves beyond expectations when encouraged without limitations — when they are not seen through adult eyes but instead through their eyes. She has seen children who flower and grow more confident in her classes. Thus Ly strives to treats every child as a respected individual, and focuses on making the process a fulfilling, enriching and fun experience.
It was only at the age of 16 that Ly found teachers who believed in her and encouraged her interests as an individual. The deep impression they left continues to be an inspiration to what she does today.
As an artist, Ly has created illustrations and murals for clients such as Singapore Botanic Gardens, Visa, Starbucks, Airbnb, and Bosch amongst others.
“Children need art and stories and poems and music as much as they need love and food and fresh air and play. “
-Philip Pullman
When we cultivate an interest, it’s for a lifetime.